About Us
Chances are, temperature plays a crucial role in your line of work. Whether you’re monitoring controlled environments, testing variables, or ensuring substances are stored under optimal conditions, temperature remains a key component of your daily tasks. For many years, professionals were limited to using thermometers, which can be time-consuming, interfere with the monitoring process, rely on unreliable staff, or may simply be impractical for your specific job.
In the late ’90s, “Dallas Semiconductors” made their first thermochron, which revolutionised the temperature logging market. Not only was it more affordable than other loggers, but its compact, durable, and long-lasting design continues to open up new possibilities for your temperature logging needs.

Over time, the Thermochron line has evolved to better serve your diverse requirements. With expanded temperature ranges, higher resolutions, and increased memory capacity, our products are tailored to meet your evolving needs. Today, Thermochrons are employed worldwide, not only in conventional settings like refrigerators and freezers but also in unexpected environments such as outer space, within the bodies of elephants and sheep, embedded in baking pies, and even on individuals themselves. We’re dedicated to supporting you wherever your temperature monitoring needs may take you.
What are your specific needs? Let us know, and we will assist you in finding the perfect Thermochron for your requirements.
We are dedicated to helping you discover the optimal solution for your needs. If you have any questions, our team is more than happy to provide advice.